Monday, February 20, 2012

Ice Fishing on the Missouri - Ft Rice, ND

Life of ice fishing on the Missouri. There is not enough money in this world right now to pay me to sit on top of a frozen river, dig a whole in the ice and sit around waiting for the fish to bite.

We watched a fellow pull his sled out on the ice and set up his 3 or 4 holes to fish out of. He used his auger to make the holes in the ice. He then had a "thing ama-jig" (fish finder) to put down in the water to see if there were any fish where he dug his holes. I understand you can have up to three lines going at once. I think there must be a better way to do this before you go to the trouble of digging all of the holes. Then basically, it is a lot of sitting and waiting for a bite. Mind you, it is 40 degrees or less outside.

As you can see some people have fancy tents they sit in with heaters blasting to keep them warm. I'm not buying it that you can stay warm very long that way. What happens when the heater starts melting the ice out from under you?

We have even seen fancy trailers that they pull out onto the ice. They leave the trailers out on the ice all winter fish season. When the trailers get out on the ice, they crank the tires up somehow inside of the edge of the trailer. When you enter through the door of the trailer you see that there are bunks for sleeping, a whole in the bottom of the trailer to cut open the ice through which you fish. There are places to sit and play cards. Even some kitchens. These must be the trailer cadillacs of ice fishing.

They fish for Walleye and Northern Pike Catfish. It must be a male bonding thing like hunting. You know you spend $800 on equipment for the big event to bring home $40 worth of fish to eat or feed to your dog.

I think I will wait until the ice thaws and the sun is shinning to get my rod out and catch me a Walleye! But I will need to find a stray dog to feed it to!

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